Wallace Terry
Inside VietnamBlack Power in Vietnam: (September 19,1969, Time ) Only two years ago, the U.S. military seemed to represent the most integrated institution in American society. In many ways it still does. But the armed services, made up of so many conscripts and "volunteers" escaping conscription, are mirrors that reflect and sometimes exaggerate the divisions of the entire society. The Bloods of Nam/PBS Frontline Wallace Terry talks with black veterans who fought discrimination in Vietnam and who later confronted disillusionment when they came home. The Maynard Institute History Project: Journalism lives in Wallace Terry's marrow. As a child his fascination with newspapers took shape in his ambition to publish a neighborhood paper. Gathering stories from his friends and neighbors, he printed the paper on a toy press and passed it out. His interest in the profession never faltered. Even when he pursued other interests, journalism wasn't far behind. |
Capital Press Club
Wallace Terry was an award-winning journalist, news commentator and bestselling author distinguished for his coverage of the Vietnam War and the Civil Rights Movement. His internationally acclaimed book, BLOODS: An Oral History of the Vietnam War by Black Veterans, was named one of the five best nonfiction books of the year by Time magazine, and nominated for the Pulitzer Prize.